Call for Paper: The Fourth International Conference on Islamic Family Law of ADHKI (The 4th ICoIFL of ADHKI 2024)
The Fourth International Conference on Islamic Family Law of ADHKI (The 4th ICoIFL of ADHKI 2024) and The Second Sharia International Conference (The 2nd SINCe 2024) Jointly organized and hosted by the Faculty of Sharia of Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado, and ADHKI (Asosisasi Dosen Hukum Keluarga Islam Indonesia/Association of Indonesian Islamic Family Law Lecturers), invites contribution from established and emerging scholars as well practitioners in Islamic studies and… Selengkapnya »Call for Paper: The Fourth International Conference on Islamic Family Law of ADHKI (The 4th ICoIFL of ADHKI 2024)